Saturday, November 14, 2009

Even better

What's better than Astroglide and A Tramp Stamp? Astroglide and Two Tramp Stamps. While PNH wasted their time Partying yours truly was busy. For what Eden Club Soi 7/1 Bkk charges,
PNH delivers for 1/3rd or less. I wonder why I don't partake more often. Let that be a lesson to me.


DonBong said...

Dredge is misleading. This place is a disaster on wheels....Go to Eden. Go to Pattaya. Go to Scottsdale or even better - a Caribbean cruise.

Don't come here.

Anonymous said...

Scottsdale is good... they have more than one Denny's as well as a wide assortment of all your favorite fast food establishments.
Stay the fuck away from where I stay
-sincerely... Bad Bob

DonBong said...

10-4 on that, Bob - a fair trade. Everyone keep clear of Dennys in Scottsdale.


Anonymous said...

A REAL man wouldn't need Astroglide to juice up Tramp Stamp Tramps!

Dredge said...

cotton mouth can only lube so much. need a little help sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Got a real good case of the clap in PP this November. Lots of HIV girls around as well.

Dredge said...

And I thought it was hoof and mouth.

Anonymous said...

Good call. HIV piggybacks on other STDs. You'll be sweating out your blood tests for the next several months - if you even bother with them. What do HIV girls look like? Can you tell just by looking at them, do other's tell you who they are, or do they volunteer the information before giving you the clap?