Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Seems the guards at The Walkabout are getting "donations" for entry from more than the girls these days. A car pulls up the other day and a bunch of brothers hop out and start dapp'n with the guards.

Last night a brutha was sitting at a table only to be replaced by another two. They sat alone for a while then Mohimbo struts over and tries to chat up 3 girls who want nothing to do with him. Some white dude gets up and cock blocks him and he goes back and sits down. After it looked futile this time, they headed out.

It was only one week ago the western manager was laid off. It sure doesn't take long for things to happen when someone isn't minding the store!


Anonymous said...

I haven't been in the Walkabout since they let go of the western Manager - a bit of a boycott.

Too bad, as it had become my favorite place. Now there are no balls in the place - obviously. The Khmer managers are nice guys, but when there's a problem, they nor the guards are anywhere to be seen.

Maybe time to give Sharkey's another look with the new disco. Also, have never seen the issue of "undesireables" in there...as long as you don't count the Pattaya Trash!

Anonymous said...

Spoke to my bank yesterday,no more swift transfers to cambodia due to fraud here.
Could be our dusky brothers at work again.