The lengths some guys go to get a girl...
Friday night at Heart and the french dude on the dance floor won't leave the guy's live-in alone (apparently the french guy has a history of yama, AND hassling the girl). Words are exchanged, situation escalates, but a messy situation is averted.
Heart packed and nearly impossible to get a drink, so the party moves to Zep. Everyone chilling enjoying the show when Pepe la Pew shows up, apparently hot on the scent. Relocate to WA with Pepe in close proximity.
Almost at the doorway when Pepe says something to the BF. 3-strikes already, and a shove bounces Pepe off the Walkabout sign onto the pavement between the bikes. Pepe's rubbing is melon and bawling like a school-room sissy in front of WA 5-0, while BF tries to leave peacefully. Pepe stumbles to his feet and blocks his exit so we push the bike down the street a little to avoid running him over. Coming back for more, another little shove (and crying fit) is necessary before the cheese eating surrender monkey allows him to leave.
Later on BF gets over 20 SMS's covering prosecution, retribution, reconciliation and pretty much everything in between. WA Justice: BF not allowed in until having a wee chat with the manager. sigh...
Yama's a hell of a drug!! If you can't hold it and happen to be whiney, weak and French, consider restricting yourself to wine and cigarettes. It'll be the healthier choice in the long run.
Heart packed and nearly impossible to get a drink, so the party moves to Zep. Everyone chilling enjoying the show when Pepe la Pew shows up, apparently hot on the scent. Relocate to WA with Pepe in close proximity.
Almost at the doorway when Pepe says something to the BF. 3-strikes already, and a shove bounces Pepe off the Walkabout sign onto the pavement between the bikes. Pepe's rubbing is melon and bawling like a school-room sissy in front of WA 5-0, while BF tries to leave peacefully. Pepe stumbles to his feet and blocks his exit so we push the bike down the street a little to avoid running him over. Coming back for more, another little shove (and crying fit) is necessary before the cheese eating surrender monkey allows him to leave.
Later on BF gets over 20 SMS's covering prosecution, retribution, reconciliation and pretty much everything in between. WA Justice: BF not allowed in until having a wee chat with the manager. sigh...
Yama's a hell of a drug!! If you can't hold it and happen to be whiney, weak and French, consider restricting yourself to wine and cigarettes. It'll be the healthier choice in the long run.
and I thought my weekend in BKK was exciting.
My week in BKK was exciting
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