This is not how my post originally was supposed to come out. It had deep meaning full thoughts and prose. To stimulate contemplation of Cambodian life and how the reader fits into it. But suddenly without warning just the topics of discussion which I drew upon to inspire those thoughts jumped me from the dark...literally!
I just finished typing out a long detailed post about living in Cambodia, snow, sledding, karma ,and fate. About to swing the cursor over the publish post button and left click the mouse and fate kicks me in the fucking teeth! The power supply on this pitching and rolling place I call
"Absolutely No Place At All That Even Fucking Resembles Home!!!"
goes out and I lose over an hour plus worth of writing and deep concentrated thought...in an instant. I only concentrate harder while sitting on the can trying to push one through the hoop!
So I am left with just a shitty excuse for a potentially decent post. When you have a good thought to share and start rolling it sucks to get knee capped. Okay maybe that is a bit dramatic but even on a small scale forces can conspire against you. Fate was watching and karma must have gave the go signal to flip off the breaker.
"Fuck you
both!!! Karma...Fate...you may get me in the end but I will get mine
I love the symbolism of taking about snow and fate and then having a picture of two chick "snow-balling" a die. Nice work !
Thanks...glad someone noticed! I actually did have another version of that post. With more on the snow, and sledding, and all that other shit. An analogy of life in Cambodia. But since then have been to busy with that thing which keeps getting in the way of productivity here. No... not tequila...work!
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