Not to go off on another rant about some funny bar story, but that's where most of them seem to come from and its what I do best. This one comes from a popular cool place in Area 51 we all know and love but for some people, occasionally need to detest. Semi-regular guy and his birthday celebrating chum go in for a beverage. Being the kind of guy he is asks the outside door dudes and an independent motodop at the scene, if they would like a beer too. Eight beers later (i'm thinking about 9 minutes) he asks for the git and gets it... up the culo. $20. Owner explains: since they work at the bar, the outside dudes (and apparently the moto too) were drinking at lady drink prices. So, another Cambodia first, we now have lady drinks for the gents too. Innovation's a bit like daddy's pistol, best kept safely locked away and out of junior's hands. Area 51 bar: apparently still exasperating its loyal clientele one customer at a time.
Standing room only at the Freebird 4th of July party. Both of them. Great free chow, many free drinks, great spinning by DJ Big Daddy, and the usual entertaining crowd. A bit like explosives. Consistently fun but can be dangerous. Thought about the embassy party for a bit but I get self conscious having my retina's scanned and every word I utter getting bounced off a satellite down to some bunker in Quantico, VA.
Good night at Shanghai. Some guy won the draft draw and spread the wealth among the girls and customers. Classy move. Hours later some of it even made it to me. Seemed to drink most of the night and the git came to a wopping $2.50. Taco Shack takeout arrived and was greeted with enthusiasm. Welcome back Taco Shack, you were missed.
Was invited to be camera fodder for a local publication's cover shots. Was hungover but made it through the shoot without shouting "Europe" into the toilet. Seem to recall quite a few very attractive ladies laughing at some overcooked ham in front of the camera trying to stuff a whole burger into his mouth.
Would write more but a show about women in prison just came on. What is it about women in cages anyway?
Hmmm.....This sounds like a bar I used to go to. Name names.
I never get that hassle there but then again I usually don't recall leaving either!
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