Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Scambodia Indeed

cock gobblers...

Not to get off on a rant here, but anyone recently try to redeem points on their 'travel' credit card for an award flight? Well I have.

Will someone explain to me why the same Eva Air flights between PP and Vancouver can be had by any schmuck on the planet with an internet connection and $1140.80 while the multi-gazillion dollar bank hosting my bong thom Platinum Visa is charged $2900 and change?

Only reason I care is this: 100,000 points = $2000. Anything in excess has to be paid by the redeemer. Fine, as long as the sticker is more or less the same for everyone. Looking up other crap in the redemption schedule I found the following.

Callaway x20 Gold Iron set: 97,500 points. Cost online: $699.00
Samsung 32" HD LCD TV: 148,500 points. Actual cost: $709.99
Modavo Mens Classic Watch: 79,500 points... $695.00

Seems to be a pattern here. I didn't even book a flight but in the process I burned up close to three clams in Skype credit. That ain't much, but at 2.1 cents a minute that's alot of time listening to some soul-less drone spouting corporate rhetoric. Actually had to call them up again to make sure I got it right: Hello Mr. Ubercon, and how may I offer you excellent service today?

Point is, just in case you're wondering why you're still here give yourself a fresh one across the kisser. Although it's catching on faster than most of us would like it's still an oasis for the hypnotically challenged.

Anyway, think I'm leaning toward the clubs...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have a platinum credit card and it is a complete waste of money.