As much as the Cambos profess to dislike the Thais, it doesn't stop them from emulating them.
Wrote a couple of weeks ago about the possibility of a dry weekend this coming weekend thanks to the election and our fearless leader (a lovely article about him - http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Southeast_Asia/JG23Ae01.html).
Laughed it off.
Not so quickly. Two well-known and well-visited establishments received notices yesterday saying that they are not to have any sales this weekend. "No sales" as in no food and no drink. As in "we really think that you should close."
Now there definitely could be technical ways around this, but in the end, these are the same guys that could make problems for your business...especially if there are any girls frequenting or working in the place.
So as of last night, these popular places are planning on shutting down for the weekend.
What's that? You say you can go 48 hours without drinking? Well, how about without seeing Srey Srey? If the places close, where ya gonna go for your trim?
By the way, Champagne had already been planning on closing, just for Saturday, I believe.
What to do? I would suggest checking on your planned destination before departure. And as things stand, you might be best off to have a walk about.
The More They Remain The Same
R-Cat still being Russell-ed.
Spoon-Ur is still an idiot!
DB had a few choice words for him not so long ago - http://pnhconfidential.blogspot.com/2007/10/androo-spoon-ur-makes-bank-and-other.html

Now he just won't go away.
Quick summary - the guy, who supposedly does research and writes for the little known (for good reason) Foot Print Guide, walked by CA2 one afternoon, saw the staff sitting outside with nothing to do, and declared the place hooker infested. Some guidebook this must be with incredible efforts into researching destinations such as this.
Anyway, Androo was lucky enough to warrant a couple of paragraphs in Jim's Farewell article in last month's Pearnik (page 4) - http://bayonpearnik.com/html/Issue142/index.htm. Seems that Jim made the fatal mistake of giving Spoon-Ur more credit than he deserves and said that he worked for the Rough Guide, not ToeJam, err...Foot Print.
So our research expert emails Jim, comments on his "rather strange piece" in the Pearnik, tells Jim of his error and tells him that he should get his "basic facts right" as it makes him "look dim if you don't" (This guy obviously is EXPERT on this!), and then proceeds to present a copy of the CA2 review that he intends to put in the ToeJam Guide.
This guys has never set foot in CA2 but he describes the size, color, and shape of the rooms, in addition to "bas-reliefs on the walls" and even the view from the rooms. Wonder where he plagiarized this stuff from?
Not only that but if the wanker had done a little more research in what seems to be his primary source of research material (the Pearnik), he would have come to the PP Pub Page on page 13, in which the second sentence of the article states, "That’s right after seven years on the riverfront Cali2 was to close it’s door’s to it’s many fans, regulars and tourist guests a like, and it seemed like half the town crammed in to say goodbye."
CA2 has been closed since the 5th of May!
Well, can't blame the guy from not reading the Pub Page, but research is his job, and he seems to really suck at it. Buy and/or use the Foot Print Guide at your own peril!
Dear Androo:
Thinking you need to get more fun out of life you sad, angry little man.
Checked out your website. Agreed, couldn't think of a better sentiment myself. *yawn*
BTW - the other thing that the Spoon-Ur was so upset about was that Jim provided the wrong web address in The Pearnik. Apparantly, it should have been www.andrewspooner.net, not to be confused with www.howgayami.com.
In the end I just told him touche on me not getting my facts right. Like it mattered. I could have made an angry situation last longer but did the more mature thing. I even told him that he should give up the space to someone who could really benefit from this guide no one was carrying when they walked through our doors. He was appreciative and said the issue had already gone to print. I guess touche back. I wonder if his deadline was after the closure. Close the book on this one.
Reopening a can of worms however, (And maybe one of you board guys should copy this as a topic) was in WA last night and 9 month pregnant former employee Srey Men and a friend came by and the guard tried to screen her out that pregnant girls couldn't come in. ??? Me, Ross and WA Bill there and got her in. She wondered what was up and that she found it odd that girls reported still having to pay the guards to come in. Covered this with Glen months ago and he said he had a zero tolerance policy for this. Zero follow through I guess is the real deal. Men also said that younger prettier girls paid more. Makes sense. She also found it odd that the guards would be allowed to take business from the establishment. She paid 2 bucks for a coke for her and her friend and tipped the waitress 3000 riel. This time the business got the money but on other circumstances this money is going in the guards pockets. I was impressed that Men, who was some country bumkin when I brought her to the big city was sharp to figure this out. I guess the KR missed one. A little more canvassing some of the other girls revealed the same info.....
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