Using the Noodle:
Thailand can wait. I'll have a decent blow-out weekend here for the price of the ticket alone. And, have a better time doing it. Suze Ormond would be proud.
- Large Seafood Pizza from Pizza World + tip: $10
- Mad boozing around town (8pm-5am): $24
- Doling out moto$ to misc associates - just because they asked: $3
- Stream of vulgar drunken SMS' to misc numbers: .25
- 2 orders of steamed dumplings: $3
- The Sisters and their friend: $43
Good scene. Blitzed on many levels. Even the lounge music sounded right. DD at the pool table looking good. Do I want to go to Prey Veng with her for the elections? (= Do I want to pay for the taxi ride?) Maybe. A distraction. 50-something transvestite getting a massage from a VC at the end of the bar. Bizarre. My inner-Khmer wanted to stare. I fought it. Sort of...He left with 3 chicks. Ok.
1am: Word in - Cops shut down Heart and Howie's and everything else on that stretch of 51 - except Pit Stop. They work in mysterious ways. The important thing: Walk and Zeppelin Bar still going strong. Slammed my vodka and busted a move.
Zeppelin Bar: 2:30 am
Where did all of the White people come from? Like refugees from a sinking ship, they packed the back booths and had Jun playing some whiny-rock from the '80s. I guess they were slumming. I didn't shout,"BACK to ELSEWHERE you brie-sucking, wine-sipping vermin!!!" Instead, I ordered a drink, said hi to the boss (who very kindly put on some Metallica) and set up my deer stand near the door. Watched what little street traffic there was. Crack den and food vendors had been cleared out. Dark and quiet.
An old friend stopped in to say hi. Good timing. Ordered a round and took her in. She's alive. (Love it when that happens) and looking good. Pattaya trash tweeker followed her in and gave her the evil eye - staring right through me. Great. She ripped him off, and now she's hiding behind me. Well, fuck him. He can stew while I order us up another round. Pattaya Trash tweekers (especially those who wear the same dirty tank-top every fucking day) are fair-game. But she can't hide behind me forever. I let him give her another $20 to score - so he could compound his losses and I left them to their drama. To Walk.

Walkabout: 4am
Packed. Everywhere else closed; the party moved here. White women and the backpackers who long to give them foot massages...everywhere. A parallel universe? No, just a night without the Heart, Elsewhere, and Revolution, so the young and beautiful decided to slum it at PNH's W Hotel. Whatever. Good scene and I ran into people I rarely see outside of work. Slamming booze with DJ Julian. He had a tale to tell:
DJ Luv gone from the scene. He vowed the party boat by the sewer outtake would never be the same. He was righ

Say what you want about DJ Luv; he kept the crowds away - and the boat afloat.
If anything else interesting happened, I can't remember it.
And one more thing:
(So quit hasslin')
1 comment:
Dj luuv was a disappoitment.One could dress anyone up with an afro wig,boot polish on the face,dark glasses and a handful of CDs under the arm and claim to be from somewhere exotic like birmingham,the music couldnt be worse.
Felt the pontoon flexing east/west the previous night,on the fateful night it was flexing north/south.Those clueless owners cant be boaties,I knew that there was something amiss.
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