Monday, July 09, 2007

Poll Results: Who Gets It?

I have to get this poll off the blog before I get anymore death wishes. So far more people want me done than some asshole in a Che Guevara t-shirt. (Fuckers....) So, here's the final tally.

The Confidential Poll

One round in the clip. Who gets it?

Answers Votes Percent
Dude with Mao hat and krama 23 25%
Dude in Che Guevara T-Shirt 18 19%
Dude with open shirt and mullet 25 27%
None of the above (I'm non-violent) 4 4%
None of the above ( My aim is shit) 4 4%
Don Bong 19 20%

1 comment:

Hawkeye said...

Hey Dude,
Don't feel too bad at least 27% of the gun toting community would take out the Pattaya Trash, and fuck it, who of us would not put up the loi to pay for the ammo.